Saturday 10 November 2012

Villain role

Hello! Yes, well, blogging time. Something that has annoyed me this week is the amount of Twitter users now referring to their followers as tweeters. That's like me coming on here talking to you guys and calling you bloggers.

Anyway, what's been happening? I passed my driving test! Yeah, I got a really nice examiner as well. He sort of started up conversations with me to stop me being nervous. Although he did wear his glasses at the crook of his nose and look past them at you. He also had a long nose. Kind of reminded you of a stereotypical headmaster you didn't like. But anyway, he was lovely. I'm just sorting out my insurance now, and I'll be on the road.

The last two performances of 'Are You Being Served?' was last week. They went incredibly well, they were funny, and nobody asked for their money back. Although someone did tip me for doing it one night, which I found a little bit insulting. But all in all an excellent set of performances. We're currently in the development of a Panto in the new year, where I'll hopefully play the villain role, which I've never actually played before. Should be fun.

Right, that's about all that has happened this week, catch yous later bloggers!